Who We Are
A Multicultural, Non-Denominational
Ministry for all people,
serving the Pittsburgh Area and Beyond
It is our prayer that this ministry will help to revitalize the hope that is in you and restore you to the original plan that God has for your life. It is also our Hope that you will find GHRM to be a place of fulfilled dreams and realized purposes and that you would come to the knowledge that there is a plan for your life.
We are here to help you understand the call that is on your life and to help establish your purpose, your gifts and talents. Without counsel purposes are disappointed: but in the multitude of counselors they are established.
We at GHRM, believe that our lives are hidden with God in Christ Jesus and that it is only through Him that we are able to find our true selves so that we can begin to really live and not just exist.
It is through outreach, evangelism, instructions in the word, family oriented ministries, hands on learning experiences and much prayer that we have learned how to come into a deeper relationship with our Father, through Jesus our Lord and Savior.
We look forward to not only serving you, but to helping you to grow, go, and duplicate the process.
Vision Statement
To become an effective church, continually relevant to our members and the communities that we serve. To become a viable source for hope, information and resources in the community for salvation, information and physical and spiritual well-being.
Our mission
Greater Hope Restoration Ministries is a center for worship, for knowledge, for helping people to find their purpose. We exist to train, to equip, and to send out those who are prepared to represent the kingdom and fulfill their life's mission to the maximum. We minister to the social, physical and spiritual needs of our members and the community and empower people to succeed in this life all the while preparing them for the life to come.
What We Believe
The Bible is the infallible Word of God, and that it is the power of God to save us and keep us.
We believe in one God the Father, The Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit God, eternally existing in three persons.
We believe in the God Jesus, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His death for our sins, His bodily resurrection, His ascension and His physical and soon return to earth.
We believe in the indwelling and baptism of the Holy Ghost who is active and at work in the life of the believer and who seals us unto the day of redemption.
We believe in the feeding the poor, clothing the naked and visiting those who are imprisoned as the word of God commands.
Why We Believe
We have witnessed the effects of the power of God through His word in the lives of those who have not only believed God's word, but have applied it to their hearts and throughout their everyday lives.
We have watched the transformation that a renewed mind brings about as people's lives have evolved from hopelessness to purpose and meaning.
We have seen the healing power of Jesus the Christ in people who were healed of physical, mental and emotional afflictions and shared their testimonies of healing in a public forum.
We have experienced the power of devils being cast out by the authority and power of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We have learned that God really does answer prayers as we have prayed for ways to help our communities and watched resources pour in as a response to the Lord hearing our cries for those in need.
We have walked in the favor of God through open doors that have helped us to do meaningful ministry and not religious services.
We have been influenced by the love of God as we have found His love to be real and alive and well at GHRM.
And we have realized that it really is possible to have unity within the bonds of peace as we have worked together to become a family that is not perfect, but one that cares for the needs of one another.