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Young Adult Ministry is vital to any ministry that is in the business of staying revelant to people and to the communities in which they serve.


GHRM's Fuse Young Adult Ministry is designed for just that purpose.


It is the heart of this ministry to help our young adults make a connection in a three-fold manner:


1. Make Connection With Jesus


2. Make A Connection With Each Other


3. Make A Connection With The Community


There is a brightness and a brilliance that is unmatched when one single light is joined together with another. When those connections are made, information is shared and the pathways to life are well lit. 

This group of Young Adults ages 18-30 will find that this ministry will help them to create strong bonds that will support them in every area of their lives.  We are brighter together. Fuze can also be called a lighthouse that helps our young adults to find their way of the darkness that comes from false information that they may be receiving from the world. 


Fuze Young Adult Group is about living life out loud so that others can be drawn in. 


Please check back for updates on what's next for FUZE. 





Greater Hope Restoration Ministries
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