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Baptism at GHRM

If you do not have a church home and have never been baptized we encourage you to come out and hear about the love of Christ and become joined to this ministry.  We are here to help you grow in your faith and guide you in your new walk with the Lord.  Please fill out the information below so that we may contact you and help to prepare you for this important step in your life. 

We believe that baptism IS:

  • For believers who have trusted in Jesus Christ alone as their Savior.

  • An outward demonstration of a saving faith in Christ.

  • An act of obedience. In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus commands His followers to be baptized.

  • By full immersion in the water and not by way of sprinkling as we ought to identify with Christ's death, burial, and resurrection.

  • It is not required for salvation. The Bible is clear that we are saved by grace alone through faith alone (Ephesians 2:8-9).

  • It is not your guarantee into heaven. You must still work out your own salvation with fear and trembling and continue in the faith even after baptism. 

  • Is  not required for membership at GHRM. However, we encourage and assist all believers to be baptized, but we do not mandate baptism as part of membership.

Our Next Scheduled Baptism Service will be February, 2024

If you wish to be baptized on that day contact us at and follow the instructions below.  Someone  from our staff will be in touch to help you prepare for your baptism on that day. 


If you believe that you are ready for baptism, we ask that you: 


1. Contact us at info@ghrm-online.comComplete the Get ConnectedForm. This form will help us to connect you to your area of need.  



2. Attend New Members Class

We offer an 8 week course on Sunday mornings from 11:30 - 12:20 for those who are seeking baptism through GHRM.

This course is not mandatory, however, it will help to enhance your belief system by giving you deeper meaning as to the purpose of baptism and God's plan for your life after baptism has taken place.

Child Dedication

At GHRM we do not baptize infants or children who do not have a clear meaning of why they are being baptized. 

We do require that the parents of the child to be dedicated are regular attenders of our Sunday worship experience. If you have not been a regular attender in the past, we’d love it if you would join us for several months before scheduling your child for child dedication. 

Greater Hope Restoration Ministries
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