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Sleeping Baby

Planning Your Baby Dedication Ceremony

GHRM's approach to baby dedication/blessing emphasizes parental promises and includes an initial interview meeting,mandatory Child Dedication/Blessing class and updates. 

Below is our three (3) step process to planning your child' ceremony:

  1. Parent’s Meeting

    Parents must schedule to meet with the Senior Pastor to discuss the details of the baby dedication at which time the qualifications and actions steps will be discussed. Please note that requesting parents: must be members of GHRM in good standing (regular church attendance) and the child being considered for blessings must be not be over the age of two (2) (some exceptions may apply at the pastor's discretion). 

  2. Attend Dedication Course

    Parents must agree to attend a Blessing/Dedication Course several weeks before the dedication. This two-session course will included a teaching time to explain the dedication service and reinforce a biblical vision for Christian parenting. We will discuss specific scriptures about parenting. We urge parents to define their vision for their children. We will also challenge parents to dedicate themselves as parents to raising God-centered children. 

  3. Submit to An Update

    The parents are required to agree to submit to an update. Our plan is to meet with the parents and child at 6 months or a year out from the service to remind them of their commitments and discuss how the church can further empower them in their calling as parents. This meeting can take place at the home or in the pastor's office. This meeting should be scheduled with the church administrator before the initial dedication service. 


Our church administrator will contact you within 2-3 days to begin scheduling your classes and dedication date.

Thanks for submitting!
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